Bat Removal Richmond VA

Bat Removal Richmond VA | Bats In The Attic | Richmond VA Bat Removal
Richmond Virginia Bat Removal – Bats in the Attic Richmond VA
(804) 729-0046 or toll-free at (888) 824-7383
Bat removal Richmond VA is provided by Virginia Professional Wildlife Removal Services. Our mission is to provide permanent solutions, when applicable, to government agencies, businesses, and individuals experiencing bat conflicts through unparalleled service, knowledge, and attitude in a friendly, courteous and professional manner while establishing a reputation in Richmond VA as the bat pest experts of choice for any job large or small.
As bat management specialists, Virginia Professional Wildlife Removal Services understands that each situation is different and needs a customized plan of action. Our experience allows us to evaluate the situation and determine the best plan of action required. By working with the agency, owner, or manager as a team, we are able to successfully resolve bat problems using a variety of techniques and processes, all safe for the homeowner and humane to the bats. This approach has led us to be recognized in Richmond Virginia as bat management experts in the conservation management community of Henrico County.
Virginia Professional Wildlife Removal Services has been specializing in bat management issues since 2008. With our vast experience in bat management practices and techniques along with eight years’ field experience as one of Virginia’s few bat management specialists, we are able to quickly evaluate your particular bat problem and take the steps necessary to resolve your bat infestation. Our number one priority is the safety and peace of mind of our customers experiencing a bat conflict, as well as the safety and well-being of the bats. By identifying and focusing on the problem and not the symptoms, Virginia Professional Wildlife Removal Services has a proven record of providing long-term and, whenever possible, permanent solutions to your bat problem.

Bats In Attic | Bats In The Attic | Bat Removal From Attic Richmond VA
Most of our bat removal calls in Central Virginia come from Richmond. When we get a Richmond bat removal call, we think about the historical significance of Richmond and its importance as the capitol of Virginia. The Commonwealth of Virginia is known as being the home of several United States Presidents. Any opportunity we get to pass through the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) campus in Richmond, Virginia and see the historical sights of downtown Richmond is always a memorable service call to remove bats in Richmond and Tuckahoe. If you have bats in your attic in Richmond, and you need to get the bats out of your attic – guess what – we can get the bats out and help keep them out!
If you need references from any of our Richmond bat removal or bat control customers in your area give us a call, references are provided upon request.
Certain areas of Henrico County and the City of Richmond have different types of construction, especially in the older historical parts of Richmond and the museum district. As the areas bat removal experts, we are keenly aware of the unique architectural designs in Richmond and some of the challenges in Richmond bat removal.
We are concerned about your family’s health and advise that if you do have bats in your attic and you need the bats out of your house – give us a call and a bat removal professional will be happy to help you. Do not go into your attic at night if you do have bats in there. Bat rabies shots could run several thousands of dollars!
Bats In The Attic – How To Get Rid Of Bats In The Attic
Here are some bat facts you will need to know if you have bats in the attic or at the peak of your roof in the vents.
1) Do not go into your attic at night!
2) Do not handle a live bat or a suspected dead bat on the ground <bat-health-concerns>.
3) Bats are not trying to fly into your hair, they are beneficial to our environment!
4) We exclude the bats.
6) We can seal your home against future bat problems and guarantee it in writing with a Warranty .
7) Your bat problem will not fix itself.
8) Bat deterrent sprays, bat repellents, lights and pulsating sound devices DO NOT work to solve 99.9% of bat problems. They are a waste of time and money, and will only give you a false sense of security that the bats have left your home.
9) If you find a live bat in the living space of your home, the bat must be tested for rabies. Bat bites are often not detectable and the bat rabies variant is fatal once contracted. Less than 1% of bats test positive for rabies in Richmond VA.
10) Do it yourself bat removal during the winter months when you think the bats have left your home to hibernate in a cave is risky. Some bats do leave your home in the winter, but most bats like the little brown bat and the big brown bat will hibernate in your home, often out of sight and undetectable to you.
11) Accumulations of bat guano in an attic can pose a serious health risk to you and your family. Trying to clean up large accumulations of Bat Guano without the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) can give you a lung disease called Histoplasmosis, which can be fatal if not treated by a medical professional. Respirators purchased from large box stores will not protect you.
12) We do not use pesticides to remove bats from an attic, nor is there a pesticide registered with the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) that will get rid of bats. We only use pesticides to kill the Bat Bugs, similar to bed bugs, left behind where the bats were roosting and in the bat guano.

Bat Bug Removal | Bat Bug Versus Bed Bug | Richmond VA Bat Bug Removal
In addition to our bat removal services <bat-services> in Richmond Virginia, we also offer bat guano removal and bat bug removal. During our scheduled visit to your home we will also provide you with an estimate to remove the bat poop from your attic along with the bat bugs.
We can remove bats from an attic. If you are looking for a Richmond, VA bat removal professional, Virginia Professional Wildlife Removal Services is available to help you with your bat problem. Every member of our staff has successfully completed the National Wildlife Control Operators Association – NWCOA Bat Standards Compliant Course. We are the bat removal experts in Richmond, Henrico, Chesterfield, Midlothian, Glen Allen, Short Pump, Woodlake, Brandermill, Bon Air, and Wyndham in the Richmond, Virginia area.
Richmond Office For Bat Removal – Bats Removed From The Attic In Richmond VA
Call us At (804) 729-0046 or toll-free at (888) 824-7383
Contact Your Bat Experts at

Richmond VA Bat Removal | Bat Removal Pros Richmond VA
Contact Us for a guaranteed solution to your bat problem!
Ask about our terms of service – What to expect from Your Bat Professional.
Learn more About Us and our qualifications for performing bat services.
Additional Services:
In addition to our Richmond bat removal and bat control services, we also offer animal control, beaver removal, bird netting, bird control, chimney cap installations, chipmunk removal, coyote removal, dead animal removal, services, deer removal, deer repellents, flying squirrel removal, fox removal, groundhog removal, mice removal, muskrat removal, opossum removal, pest control, pigeon removal, raccoon removal, rat removal, skunk removal, snake removal, squirrel removal, wildlife removal, woodchuck removal, woodpecker removal, and vole removal in the cities and towns in Richmond, Henrico, Chesterfield, Midlothian, Glen Allen, Short Pump, Woodlake, Brandermill, Bon Air, and Wyndham in the Richmond, Virginia.
Richmond Bat Bug Removal
Bat bugs (Cimex adjunctus) or bat mites are found around a bat roost in an attic and more commonly in bat guano accumulations in Richmond, Virginia. The bat bug is a very close relative to the bed bug (Cimex lectularius). Because they look so much alike, a microscope is needed to confirm the bat bug vs. bed bug in Virginia.
Your Richmond, Virginia bat removal professionals are often asked questions about how to get rid of bat bugs or a bat bug infestation in order to solve a bat bug problem.

Bat Bugs Versus Bed Bugs – What Are The Differences?
- What is the difference between bat bugs versus bed bugs in Richmond, Virginia?
- What is the price to remove bat bugs in Richmond, Virginia?
- Is it possible to get rid of the bat bugs in Richmond, Virginia?
- How do you kill the bat bugs in Richmond, Virginia?
- Are bat bugs similar or resemble bed bugs in Richmond, Virginia?
Bat bugs are ectoparasites (blood sucking) and as their name suggests, bats are their host or food source. Bat bugs around colonies of bats in Richmond, Virginia will occasionally wander away from the bat roost area or guano accumulations. And when this happens they may bite humans. When people get bat bugs in their bedroom in Richmond Virginia, it is usually because of the absence of the bats. Bat bug bites are not dangerous. As far as your Virginia bat bug removal professional knows, bat bugs do not transmit any diseases.
In order to get control of the bat bugs your Richmond, Virginia bat removal expert must first get rid of the bats that are present in the home or building in Richmond, Virginia. Bat removal techniques also known as “bat exclusion” or sealing the areas of the structure that emit air draft is the first course of action. There are no pesticides that are labeled to control bats in attics. Pesticides are harmful to bats. Treating bat bug areas with a pesticide without eliminating the bats first is against the law and will only provide a short-term fix. Once the bat colony has been removed from the structure in Richmond, Virginia, the bat guano accumulations must be treated with a residual pesticide that will kill the bat bugs and bat bug eggs. In addition to treating the bat guano in Richmond, Virginia, your Richmond, Virginia bat bug removal specialist will also treat the bat roost area and any cracks, crevices, or other bat bug hiding places.
Once the bat roost areas and bat guano accumulation in your attic has been treated to kill the bat bugs in Richmond, Virginia, your Richmond, Virginia bat guano removal pro will then remove the bat guano from the structure.

Bat Guano Removal In Richmond Virginia | Bat Guano In Attic
With all this in mind, the truth is that the majority of bat droppings found in attics and walls in Virginia are harmless if undisturbed. The thought of bat guano in your attic may be disgusting, but no threat to your health. Only a small number of bats contract Histoplasmosis and excrete the fungus in their droppings. Still the fungus can’t grow unless the piles of droppings are very large. Small amounts of Bat poop in your attic or walls is not a threat to your health unless the bat guano is disturbed. Undisturbed bat droppings are the safest bat droppings in Richmond, Virginia. You would have to directly inhale the Histo spores from the bat guano to even potentially get sick. In most cases of bat guano abatement is not necessary and a waste of money. Your Richmond, Virginia bat professional can get rid of bats in attic and perform bat exclusion before the bats make too much of a bat guano biohazard, but your Richmond, Virginia bat removal professional can only advocate the abatement of bat guano from attic and walls in some cases where the bats have left a lot of bat guano. Bat guano removal should only be recommended by your Richmond, Virginia bat removal professional under the following circumstances.
- Large accumulations or piles of bat guano.
- You have a respiratory illness.
- You are pregnant or have small children in the house.
- The attic space is being used for storage or a kids play room.
- There is ductwork in the attic that leads to the living areas of the structure.
- The heating and air system is in the attic.
- You are planning on renovating the space or are tearing out the walls/ceilings that may have bat droppings behind or on top of them.
- You are changing the insulation. Insulation companies will offer to remove the insulation fairly cheaply for you but they should not be used for this purpose as they do not have the proper OSHA training or safety equipment needed to remove Bat guano safely. (The proper HEPA filtered respirators, air scrubbers, vacuums, and suites similarly used for asbestos and mold abatement). If an untrained insulation worker or wildlife control operator becomes sick you could be liable.
- If you plan to sell the house or building, bat droppings typically become a red flag for home or commercial building inspectors. Uneducated buyers are often told the worst case scenario and will want to back out of the contract regardless of the amount of bat guano.
- If you just cannot stand the thought of the bat droppings in your house or building. It is up to the customer to determine if they want to live with the bat guano or have your Virginia bat removal professional remove them.
- Commercial buildings with workers or customers.

Henrico County Bat Guano Removal – A Picture Of Hazardous Bat Guano In An Attic
If there is a small colony bats in your Richmond, Virginia house or building, you really have no need to worry about the bat droppings left behind. If you encounter a small amount of scattered droppings somewhere in your home or building, just pick them up with a wet paper towel and flush them down the toilet. Under no circumstances should you try to cleanout bat guano from the attic yourself. Big box store dust-masks and even full face respirators are not adequate equipment to safely work around bat droppings in confined spaces like an attic. Remember, undisturbed bat guano is the safest bat guano.
If you cannot afford to have it removed by your Richmond, Virginia bat removal professional, leave it alone. Do not try to learn how to remove bat guano from attic in Richmond, Virginia.
Bat droppings do not smell. Bat urine has a very distinctive odor and often there are times that home owners do not even notice it. If your bat removal professional can smell bat urine inside the living or working area of a structure, it means the bat problem could be out of control. During hot humid weather your bat removal professionals often get calls from customers whose houses or buildings smell because of a bat infestation that has not been dealt with. In most of these situations a major cleanup of bat droppings and contaminated insulation in necessary. Small infestations of bats usually do not produce enough bat urine odor that can be noticed inside. However, bat populations grow quite large over time and it is best to have your Richmond, Virginia bat removal professional get rid of bats before the bat colony causes damage to the structure.
Bat Removal Experts In Richmond VA
As far as we know we are the ONLY bat removal company in the Richmond VA and Charlottesville VA areas of Central Virginia where all of our bat removal pros are dual trained in bat removal by the industries leading bat removal training entities. What that means to you is that we follow best practices when it comes to bat removal and we DO NOT harm the bats! Best of all, we utilize techniques and processes in accordance with NWCOA Bat Standards Compliant companies.

NWCOA Bat Standards Compliant
When our bat removal Richmond VA experts show up at a customers home they are often asked, Are You Batman? Well ….

We Are So Good At Bat Removal That Our Bat Specialist Are Often Called Batman
General Bat Calendar For Bats In Richmond VA, Charlottesville VA & Central Virginia
Our customers are often interested in the habits and the life cycle of bats in Virginia. Listed below is a GENERAL calendar of bat activity in our area. It is not etched in stone and there are a lot of variables when it comes to bats, their behaviors and their breeding cycles.
- January – Hibernation.
- February – Hibernation.
- March – Activity Increases / Feeding Begins.
- April – Pregnant Females Leave For Nursery Sites.
- May – Gestation Continues.
- June – Young Bats Are Born.
- July – Young Bats Mature And Start Exploring.
- August – Young Bats Are Self Dependent. Females Start To Leave.
- September – Bats Return To Hibernation Sites. Mating Occurs.
- October – Mating Continues. Fat Stores Begin.
- November – Hibernation Begins.
- December – Hibernation Continues.
We are considered one of Virginia’s best bat removal companies. Bat removal and bat control in Virginia is provided in these VA counties, cities and towns:
Afton, Albemarle County, Alexandria, Amelia County, Annandale, Arlington, Ashburn, Ashland, Barboursville, Bellwood, Belmont, Bensley, Bermuda Hundred, Bon Air, Boyd Tavern, Brandermill, Bumpass, Burke, Central VA, Centreville, Chamberlain, Charlottesville, Chesapeake, Chester, Chesterfield County, Colonial Heights, Crozet, Cuckoo, CVille, Dale City, Doswell, Dumbarton, Earlysville, East Highland Park, Enon, Ettrick, Fairfax, Fair Oaks, Ferncliff, Fluvanna County, Fredericksburg, Genito, Glen Allen, Glenora, Goochland County, Gordonsville, Gum Spring, Hadensville, Hampton, Hampton Park, Hanover County, Harrisonburg, Harrogate, Hening, Henrico County, Highland Springs, Hopewell, Innsbrook, Jefferson Davis, Kents Store, Keswick, Lake Anna, Lake Monticello, Lake Ridge, Lakeside, Laurel, Leesburg, Lewiston, Lignum, Locust Grove, Louisa County, Maidens, Manakin, Manakin-Sabot, Manassas, Manchester, McLean, Montrose, Motoaca, Meadowbrook, Mechanicsville, Midlothian,, Mineral, Moseley, Newport News, Norfolk, North Courthouse, North Garden, Oilville, Orange County, Palmyra, Pantops, Petersburg, Portsmouth, Powhatan County, Reams, Reston, Richmond City, Richmond County, Robious, Rockville, Rockwood, RVA, Salisbury, Sandston, Sandy Hook, Scottsville, Shannon Hill, Short Pump, South Rockwood, Spring Run, Staunton, Stoney Point, Suffolk, Tidewater, Troy, Tuckahoe, Va, Varina, Virginia, Virginia Beach, Waynesboro, Williamsburg, Winchester, Winterpock, Woodlake, Wyndham, and the surrounding areas of Virginia.
Please Complete Our Simple Contact Form Below:
Contact Us at (804) 729-0046 or toll-free at (888) 824-7383 for Virginia animal trapping, animal control solutions, wildlife removal, pest control, animal capture, animal exclusion or wildlife management in VA involving:
- Bats (Little Brown Bat, Big Brown Bat, Others)
- Beavers
- Bees
- Birds
- Bobcats
- Canada Geese
- Chipmunks
- Copperhead Snakes
- Cottonmouth Snakes
- Coyotes
- Dead Animal Removal
- Deer
- European Starlings
- Flying Squirrels
- Foxes (Red and Gray)
- Groundhogs
- Mice
- Moles
- Muskrats
- Opossums
- Otters
- Pigeons
- Possums
- Raccoons
- Rats
- Rattlesnakes
- Snakes
- Southern Flying Squirrels
- Squirrels
- Stinging Insects
- Voles
- Woodchucks
Bats are such an important part of our ecosystem in Virginia. If you want to help preserve bats and increase their chance for survival, building a bat house is a good start. We also do bat house installations. NOTE: The Little Brown Bat is on the verge of being listed as an endangered bat species in Virginia. To help protect this bat it is important to hire a bat removal company that is properly trained in identifying and protecting the Little Brown Bat which is so important to our ecosystem.
Our wildlife experts also provide animal control services in Henrico VA. For Henrico animal control, bat removal, raccoon control, chipmunk removal, raccoon problems, trapping skunks, trapping squirrels, getting rid of squirrels in the attic, or mole removal services in Central Virginia contact our Richmond office at (804) 729-0046 or toll-free at (888) 824-7383. We only use safe and humane animal traps and methods for wildlife removal.
Check out information on Richmond Bat Removal, Richmond Animal Removal, Richmond Animal Control and Richmond Pest Control.
If you have bats in your house and need to get rid of the bats, give us a call. We are the areas best bat exterminator in Virginia (we don’t really exterminate bats, they’re important to our ecosystem). We also provide other Central Virginia animal removal services including skunk removal, snake removal, squirrel removal, raccoon removal, bird control and more.