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How To Get Rid Of Squirrels In Your Attic

How To Get Rid Of Squirrels In Your Attic

(804) 729-0046 or toll-free at (888) 824-7383

Need to know how to get rid of squirrels? The days and nights are becoming cooler as Fall and Winter approaches. To many critters, this is a signal to start identifying their Winter nesting spots which is often inside the comfort of your home. Animals like squirrels and raccoons love the privacy and warmth that a home’s attic provides. But getting rid of wildlife that has set up residence inside your home can be more challenging than you imagine. Hiring a licensed wildlife removal company that knows how to get rid of squirrels in your attic is your best bet.

How Do Squirrels Get Inside My Home?

There are many ways that wildlife can get inside your home. They including:

How Do I Know If I Have Squirrels In My Attic?

There are several ways to know if you may have squirrels in the attic of your home. They include:

How Do I Get Rid Of Squirrels In My Attic

The best way to get rid of squirrels in the attic or other places in your home is by trapping them. There is a multitude of different type of squirrel traps on the market including humane live catch cage traps to lethal body grip traps. Most people use nuts or peanut butter for squirrel bait, but we use a good commercial bait specifically made to catch squirrels. We DO NOT recommend the use of one-way doors to get rid of squirrels. In most cases squirrels removed from your home using one-way doors will often cause additional damage by chewing back in. Not to mention that during the squirrel birthing season you may end up leaving orphaned baby squirrels behind in your attic or walls to die a slow torturous death.

Another question that arises when attempting to catch squirrels yourself is what do I do with them once they have been caught. It is against the law in Virginia to transport and possess wildlife without a license, and most animals cannot legally be relocated (they’re are some exceptions for squirrels; however, studies have shown that trans-located animals rarely survive).

If you use lethal traps to remove squirrels then there is the issue of legally disposing of the carcasses.

I’m not real keen on do-it-yourself (DIY) types doing their own animal removal or pest control services. Most lack the knowledge and skills necessary to do the job correctly. Too many things can go wrong when you are dealing with wild animals, not to mention being bitten or contracting a zoonotic disease. Do squirrels carry zoonotic diseases you ask. They sure do. That’s why it is always best to hire a local animal removal company that knows how to get rid of squirrels in your attic.

Rodent Diseases That Are Transferable To Humans

Some of the diseases directly transmitted by rodents to humans include:

Is There A Local Animal Removal Company Near Me That Removes Squirrels?

You’re in luck. We are a locally owned and operated animal removal and pest control company serving the Richmond and Charlottesville areas of Central Virginia. Our wildlife removal technicians are experts at safely and humanely getting rid of squirrels or other nuisance pests including bats, birds, flying squirrels, foxes, groundhogs, mice, opossums, raccoons, rats, skunks, snakes, voles and other critters that are damaging your home and property.  Click here for additional information on squirrels and their removal.

Call us today at (804) 729-0046 or toll-free at (888) 824-7383 to receive a free telephone estimate for most wildlife problems. We know how to get rid of squirrels in your attic.

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